Frequently Asked Questions

Partners in Professional Education (PIPE) Program

  • What is the Partners in Professional Education℠ (PIPE℠) Program?

    PIPE℠ is a co-operative undertaking between employers and The Taft University System to provide graduate level educational opportunities to qualified employees.

  • What companies or firms are eligible to participate?

    All companies and firms with at least five managerial or professional employees are eligible to participate.

  • What are the benefits of being a PIPE℠ member to employers and students?

    Employers benefit from the knowledge employees obtain through quality graduate education presented in a flexible manner. Employees are eligible for a tuition grant of between five and twenty percent.

  • What is expected of the employer?

    The employer must generally agree to make the existence of the PIPE℠ Program known to employees. This can be accomplished in many different ways including internal e-mails, employee handbooks, or company/firm newsletters. Alternatively, if an employer is unable to make such a commitment, a company or firm may be listed if three or more employees elect to enroll within a three month period. Companies that have paid the majority of tuition for two or more employees are also considered participating organizations.

  • Is a company or firm required to have an employee tuition reimbursement plan to participate in PIPE℠?


  • What university programs are covered in the PIPE℠ Program?

    All university programs are covered.

  • What type of grants are available?

    Once a company or firm is admitted to the PIPE℠ Program, all employees are immediately eligible for a five percent tuition grant for the balance of the calendar year. In subsequent years, the amount of the grant will vary depending on employee enrollment in the prior year.

    Between 1 and 5 Employee/Students: 5%
    Between 6 and 10 Employees/Students: 10%
    Between 11 and 20 Employees/Students: 15%
    Over 20 Employees/Students: 20%

    Charter school association members should contact the Admissions Office for information on PIPE℠ grants.

  • How can my company or firm become a PIPE℠ Program member?

    Simply have your Human Resources Department contact our Admissions Office or ask us to contact them directly.